


Give Me Jesus

Everyone I have ever known has wondered, at one time or another, what the future holds. What degree should I get? Which career should I choose? Should I marry this person or is there someone else? Where should I help out? How can I make more money? I know I'm supposed to tell people the good news, but how? There are a million questions.

So I've been thinking. It's very good to have a plan for life, to write down goals and to work hard in achieving them. But that's not what really matters. God has called us to be fishers of men. And, as Christian-ese as that sounds nowadays, that's what He asks for. Fishers of men... which means no longer fishers of fish, no longer men and women who put all our focus into our careers and making money. Our focus needs to be each other: taking care of the widows and the orphans, the sick and the hungry, the lonely and the hurting. We are His hands and His feet. The ones He wants to use to do amazing things. And so, I ask Him what He wants me to be. Does He need a doctor? A counselor? A singer? And when He answers, I'll be that.

There is a song by Jeremy Camp...

In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world
Just give me Jesus

That's my prayer on this New Years night.


Toni Lynn said...

I love your heart sister. It was a good reminder for me to stop trying to be who I want me to be and be who HE wants/created me to be. I know you really be there doing what the Lord tells you to do and I admire that about you. Thanks for your honest, beautiful words sister.