


Moving On...

Well, the time has come, friends.

We are being shipped out of Okinawa next month and will arrive in Las Vegas to begin our second tour of duty. Yes. My husband and my wee one are headed for none other than America's "Sin City". Las Vegas? Really? I didn't realize people actually lived there... I thought people just went to visit. ;) Aside from driving through, I've never even been there. At first, I was a little disappointed because it's all DESERT. First I left those amazing Rocky Mountains with sunsets unlike any other place in the world, and then came to this beautiful, lush, tropical island surrounded by amazing greenery and sparkling water. And now, we're off to the sandlands. That's... exciting.

But on second thought, it might be kind of fun! First and foremost, I'm looking forward to the many shopping options I'm about the have. Oh, how I've missed that. Secondly, there will be so many more places I can sing! Simply being in the states opens up so many doors that have been closed to us for a long time.

We never quite know why God takes us where he does, do we? Well, Mark and I prayed and prayed and asked God to take us where he wanted us. And we are sure that this was His decision and not just circumstance. We had a wish list of our own actually. And Las Vegas wasn't on it. There usually isn't a strong need for Mark's job in Vegas either. And there are plenty of other bases and hospitals that could give Benjamin the best care if he needed it. I firmly believe that when a believer asks God to take the reigns of his life, God happily complies and does not sit back idly and watch. There is way too much at stake. There is too big a mission field out there, and not enough people raising their hands.

Anyway, after some discussion, Mark and I are ready and willing to completely dive into our life at this new place and eagerly seek out the reasons God wants us there. Let the adventure begin. And it's gonna be a big one, folks. A big one.

Mark, Laura & Benjamin


Bri said...

I wish I had your faith and attitude...good one!!

Toni Lynn said...

Even though its dessert there is still beauty to be seen you might just have to look a little harder to find it but it is there and you will. After all how could it not be God created it. I am excited for your new adventure