



Mark and I have been beaching it up since it started getting warmer here. We went snorkeling just before he left for Alaska and the water was still pretty cold, but we were able to see lots of fun sea life. He's really excited to make a sport of snorkeling, so I'm sure we'll be doing lots of that when he gets home :). Perhaps we should buy an underwater camera so that you can see what we see...

As I mentioned above, Mark went TDY and is in Alaska for a month or so. Even though I'm really busy with school and work, those things aren't proving to be very good distractions. I really miss him. So... let's focus on the rugrats I work with everyday. I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted to introduce you to some of them, and so - meet some more of my favorites!

This is Tiara! She's got a firecracker personality and a lot of energy. Our hair is almost the same color and on Fridays we were the same t-shirt, so we like to pretend we're twins on Fridays ;).

This is Will. He's got a thing for long hair and is really excited about it. He loves Power Rangers and is very curious about a lot of things. Not a week goes by when I don't have to focus on being intently serious about what he's saying instead of smiling at his innocent facial expressions :).

AND... this is Damon! He's very smart and very stubborn. But, at the end of the day, he and I have a bond and are able to laugh together. That's all that matters :).

Well, that's all for now! The kids get out of school soon and I'll be working full days. I don't know if I'm going to make it! Pray for me! :). Mark should be home around the first week of July and I'm sure we'll have more to report then. Thanks for caring!



Meg said...

Hey LJ,
Thanks for sharing your fun adventures from Japan. The Red Tent ladies miss you oh soooooo much. Can't wait to see you soon. Lots of love from Colorado. ~Meg

Anonymous said...

Oh MAN! Alaska!!??!!? I never knew! What is he doing there? Or is it top secret!??!?!? Meg is right! We miss you MORE than you'll ever know!

I loved loved loved meeting your sweet little people! I think it would be very hard to distract myself while my husband was away, but I think you have great courage and dedication to your man. You'll be so excited to see him when he returns. My prayers are with you.

I love you sweet friend!

Toni Lynn said...

LOVED reading an update. I miss your face

Kyle and Sharon said...

A little birdie told me that today/tomorrow is your birthday!!

Happy Birthday LJ!!
